
Which Survey Do I Need?


Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment (BNG)

If your build is over 25m² and not a self build you will require a Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment (BNG).

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)

All builds need a Preliminary Ecology Appraisal (PEA). This includes any buildings that are being converted.

Preliminary Roost Assessment

Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA)

If demolition is due to take place or if any work is being done on the roof a Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA) will be required.

Tree Survey

Tree Survey

Is the proposed development within 12m of a tree? If so a tree survey will be needed as part of your planning application.

Change of Land Use

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

If there is a change of land use you will require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment

Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA)

If the project is part of a development where there will be a number of buildings a Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) will be required.

Biodiversity Net Gain FlowChart
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Flowchart
Preliminary Roost Assessment Flowchart


How We Can Help

ProHort provide a wide range of horticulture, arboricultural, ecological and landscape development services. The full list of our services can be found here. If you need any more information or are looking for a service not listed here, please contact us directly to discuss our services in more detail, we will be happy to help.  


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Emma Candlin