Tree Root Damage Investigation

What is a Tree Root Damage Investigation?

A tree root damage investigation looks at whether or not a tree has caused any physical damage to either a property or other hard landscaped area. This includes; foundations, underground pipes, walls, fences, tarmac, concrete or paved areas etc. A tree root damage survey is particularly relevant if you are trying to identify if your tree or a neighbour’s tree has caused the damage.

We can also look at the potential damage a tree may cause in the future. This is a particularly useful survey for property management companies.

Who has a Tree Root Damage Investigation?

The Tree Damage Assessment takes two different avenues, firstly the actual physical damage caused and secondly the potential damage a tree could cause in the future. As such we often have two different groups of people looking for a Tree Root Damage Survey – those who are sure a tree has already caused damage and those who are concerned a tree may cause damage in the future, (this maybe their own tree or a neighbours tree).

Our ‘Potential Tree Root Damage Investigation’ is typically useful for the following three types of client:

  1. Homeowners who want to plant trees near a property.
  2. Property Management companies where they are responsible for the ongoing maintenance of a site.
  3. Landlords or homeowners that are concerned about a tree planted by a neighbour and its potential to cause damage.

For Property Management companies this type of survey can help tick health and safety boxes for trees especially when in connection to a ‘Tree Health Survey’.

Tree Root Damage Survey - Tree Root Damage Investigation

What if my Neighbour Doesn't Accept Liability?

Our reports are perfect if a neighbour’s tree has caused damage to your property fences and boundary walls. They are factual, simple to understand and clearly show where the liability is. We can also include accurate estimates for many types of remedial work.

If the neighbour fails to compensate you for the damage caused by their tree, we can write a Part 35 compliant report. This type of report is written in a way that is acceptable to the courts and will be needed by your solicitors if you decide to take the adjacent land owner to court.

Contact Us

For further advise or to book a Tree Root Damage Survey please ring us on 01782 479479 or contact us by email.

We are here to help so please do give us a ring any time as the phone will usually be answered between 7am and 9pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 8pm Saturday and Sunday.

Tree Root Damage Survey

What is a Tree Root Damage Survey?

A tree root damage survey is designed to look at whether a tree has caused physical damage to either a property or other hard landscaped areas. This may include; foundations, underground pipes, walls, fences, tarmac, concrete or paved areas etc. A tree root damage investigation is particularly relevant if you are trying to identify if your tree or a neighbour’s tree has caused the damage.

We can also look at the potential damage a tree may cause in the future. This is a particularly useful survey for property management companies.

Who has a Tree Root Damage Survey?

The Tree Damage Assessment takes two different avenues, firstly the actual physical damage caused and secondly the potential damage a tree could cause in the future. As such we often have two different groups of people looking for a Tree Root Damage Survey – those who are sure a tree has already caused damage and those who are concerned a tree may cause damage in the future, (this maybe their own tree or a neighbours tree).

Our ‘Potential Tree Root Damage Survey’ is typically useful for the following three types of client:

  1. Homeowners who want to plant trees near a property.
  2. Property Management companies where they are responsible for the ongoing maintenance of a site.
  3. Landlords or homeowners that are concerned about a tree planted by a neighbour and its potential to cause damage.

For Property Management companies this type of survey can help tick your H&S box for trees especially if it is in connection to a ‘Tree Health Survey’.

Tree Root Damage Survey - Tree Root Damage Investigation

What if my Neighbour Accepts No Liability?

Our reports are perfect if a neighbour’s tree has caused damage to your property fences and boundary walls. They are factual, simple to understand and clearly show where the liability is. We can also include accurate estimates for many types of remedial work.

If the neighbour fails to compensate you for the damage caused by their tree, we can write a Part 35 compliant report. This type of report is written in a way that is acceptable to the courts and will be needed by your solicitors if you decide to take the adjacent land owner to court.

Contact Us

For further advise or to book a Tree Root Damage Survey please ring us on 01782 479479 or contact us by email.

We are here to help so please do give us a ring any time as the phone will usually be answered between 7am and 9pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 8pm Saturday and Sunday.

Our Favourite Butterflies – Why Are They Beneficial To Our Gardens?

We don’t like caterpillars eating the plants in our gardens, however without them we wouldn’t have these beautiful butterflies. 

Here are some of our favourite species and ways they help the environment…

The Benefits of Butterflies in Our Garden:


1. They Pollinate the Plants in your Garden

Butterflies are great for your garden as they are attracted to bright flowers and feed on the nectar they produce. When feeding their bodies collect pollen and carry it to other plants. This helps vegetables, flowers and fruits produce new seeds. The majority of plants need pollinators like bees and butterflies to reproduce. 

2. They’re an Indicator of a Healthy Environment. 

A garden that attracts butterflies will also attract native birds and bees. Butterflies are great for the environment as they play an important role in increasing biodiversity. Unfortunately for butterflies and caterpillars they are a food source for birds, spiders, mice and other animals. Therefore, if butterfly population decreases the impact will be felt higher up the food chain and can affect the entire ecosystem. 

Some of Our Favourite Butterflies

Red Admiral:

A well-known colourful butterfly that can be found in Europe, Asia and North America. They have a wingspan of up to 2 inches. Red Admirals are quite friendly towards people, often perching on heads, arms and shoulders. Although it is not fan of farmers as their caterpillar like to feed on hops and other crops.  

red admiral butterflies
peacock butterfly

Peacock Butterfly 

A regular visitor to our gardens, feeding on buddleia and other flowers. The Peacock butterfly is perhaps the most recognisable butterfly, has deep-red wings with black and blue ‘eyespots’. Its underside is dark brown, almost making their wings look like dead leaves. Their caterpillars particularly enjoy feeding on common nettles, therefore can often be found in woodland areas.

Comma Butterfly 

It has distinctive ragged wing edges, that help it to camoflague. As well as the brown and white flecks on their underwing that makes them look similar to bird droppings. The comma gets its name from the comma-shaped white spots underneath its wings. It prefers woodland edges but can be spotted feeding on fallen fruit in our gardens. 

comma butterfly
Small Tortoiseshell

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly 

Common in our gardens where it feeds on buddleia and other flowers. The male butterflies are territorial, chasing other butterflies and anything else that is in their space. They court the female butterflies by drumming their antennae on the females’ hindwings. Their caterpillar mostly feed on nettles.

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What Planning Services do we offer at ProHort?

Submitting a planning application can be a headache. Here at ProHort we offer a vast range of planning services therefore we can assist with all of your planning needs.

Planning Services

Planning Services in Addition to Tree Surveys:

Planning often request Tree Surveys with any of the following additional reports, we can provide all of these reports:

Other Planning Services: 

Furthermore, there are a range of additional reports and planning services we offer to ensure your development runs smoothly. These include but are not exclusive to the following: 



How We Can Help

ProHort provide a wide range of horticulture, arboricultural, ecological and landscape development services. The full list of our services can be found here. If you need any more information or are looking for a service not listed here, please contact us directly to discuss our services in more detail, we will be happy to help.  


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