Protected Species Surveys

What is a Protective Species Survey?

Water Vole, an endangered UK protected species surveys

Protected Species Surveys are used to establish the presence or absence of any protected species on or adjacent to a proposed development. They are often required following an initial site survey which is undertaken as part of a Phase 1 Habitat Survey.

There are certain species within the UK that are under special protection of the wildlife legislation. These species are protected due to their rarity or population decline. Protected Species Surveys helps to establish the presence of these protected species in order to understand the impact of the development to these species during the planning process.

What happens if a Protective Species is identified during the Survey?

If a protected species is identified during the Protected Species Survey then suitable consideration and mitigation should be included in the proposed development. This could include things such as retaining certain areas of the existing habitat or re-creating  the habitat elsewhere on the site or adjacent to the site. The mitigation measures should be included in the impact assessment.

List of Protected Species:

  • Breeding Birds
  • Great Crested Newt
  • Dormouse
  • Water Voles
  • Bat
  • Otters
  • Badger
  • Barn Owl
  • Reptiles
  • Fish
  • White-Clawed Crayfish
  • Natterjack Toads
  • Specific plants, fungi and lichens

Ecology Calendar

Ecology Calendar ProHort

Contact Us:

Once you have got in touch with ProHort, we will be able to provide you with a quote for the survey or assessment you require. Once you confirm that you would like to proceed, our specialist consultant will visit the site, as required, to carry out the protected species survey.

To find out more about how ProHort can help you, get in touch with us by calling 01782 479 479 or email us at [email protected]. Alternatively we are available on Facebook messenger.

If you need any additional information about the ecological surveys and assessments that ProHort can provide, please get in touch.

Get in touch

At ProHort we always provide you with our best price, first time as we know the importance of getting value for money.

Ecological surveys and assessments are priced on a case by case basis, depending upon a variety of factors, including the complexity of the development project.

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