Bat Surveys

What are Bat Surveys?

Bat surveys are often requested by the local planning authorities in the likelihood that a planning application will affect bats. Typically, bat surveys consist of a preliminary roost assessment, these aim to determine the presence or absence of roosting bats within a tree, building or other structure.


What Happens Next?

If no evidence of bats is found and the building or structure is not suitable for bats, then that is all that’s required.

If there is evidence of bats or if the building or structure is suitable for bats, the next stage would be to have an emergence survey carried out. However please note, these need to be undertaken between May and September. An emergence survey records the level of bat activity, undertaken at night that allows our surveyors to monitor and record whether or not bats fly out of the building or structure. If no bats are recorded, then that’s all that required.

However, if bats are recorded exiting the building or structure then we will need to assess whether the bats will be affected by the development. If the development will damage or disturb where the bats are roosting, then you will need to get a bat licence in order to continue with the works. However, if the development is able to proceed without any damage or disturbance to the areas where bats are roosting, then you can continue with the development providing you follow the recommended precautions.

bat surveys

Bat Surveys help protect the following species:

The UK is home to 18 species of bat, 17 of which are known to breed here.

  • Alcathoe bat
  • Barbastelle bat
  • Bechstein’s bat
  • Brandt’s bat
  • Brown long-eared bat
  • Daubenton’s bat
  • Greater horseshoe bat
  • Greater mouse-eared bat
bat surveys uk

Contact Us Today:

Do you require a bat survey? Call us today to book in our expert ecologist.


Once you proceed, we will then work with you to determine a suitable date and time for our bat surveyor to visit your site to assess the presence of UK bat species.


Following this, our professional ecologist can advise on whether any further surveys would benefit your planning application.


To find out more about how ProHort can help you, get in touch with us by calling 01782 479 479 or email us at [email protected].

If you need any additional information about the ecological surveys and assessments that ProHort can provide, please get in touch.

Get in touch

At ProHort we always provide you with our best price, first time as we know the importance of getting value for money.

Ecological surveys and assessments are priced on a case by case basis, depending upon a variety of factors, including the complexity of the development project.

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