Construction Sites & Soil Samples
Many construction works will involve the moving of soil in some way. This could include digging down to lay foundations, bringing new soil onto site to level off, or laying some high quality topsoil to create a garden or a planting area. Know what is in that soil, is equally as important, soil analysis can provide construction sites with valued information. Find out more about soil samples here…
Waste Acceptance Criteria Testing
WAC testing can help authorise that your soil is safe. This can be useful during and after the construction stage. During the construction stage, should the soil need to go to landfill. The WAC test will prove to any landfill operators that your soil is safe for landfill. This can be particularly important if there is a history of chemical work on the site, or if there has been an invasive weed (for example, Japanese knotweed) which can be present in the soil.
If you are bringing soil onto site, you should ensure that it is tested to the British Standard 5930 (commonly referred to as BS:5930). If you have any doubts about the soil, you may wish to consider an additional WAC test for the soil you are bringing on to site. If this is soil for growth, you could complete a chemical suite to ensure that the soil is suitable for this.
Soil Analysis & Planning
Finally, please do ensure that all planning requirements are met. Certain planning conditions may require tests to ensure the soil is ‘safe.’ The number of samples and the exact testing can vary massively between councils and between sites. We would recommend liaising with your local council throughout the planning stage, and as you book materials to arrive on site. This will ensure that all of their requirements are met throughout the construction work.
Soil analysis can cover a range of different tests, all designed to isolate different materials in the soil. It is important to understand what you are looking to get from your soil sample before going ahead.