
Why Won’t My Grass Grow?

There are many different explanations as to why your grass may not be growing this year, so we have created a list of primary reasons for you to be aware of! So, why won’t my grass grow?


Lack of Water

Whilst seeming like an obvious reason, sometimes your lawn will not grow due to a lack of water. Therefore, if we are going through a heatwave, it’s of utmost importance to hydrate your grass by hand to keep it looking green.

As well as this, grass may also dry out when located next to trees as the roots will absorb all of the surrounding water. So, take extra care of grass near a tree’s proximity.

Lack of Light

There are two main ways that your grass may not receive sunlight. Firstly, if the grass seed is buried too deep then it will not germinate as the sunlight will not reach it. Also, if the location of the grass is covered with too much shade it may affect the growth and colouring. To try and prevent shading, keep your hedges and shrubs trimmed and your trees pruned.

Lack of Air Flow

Soils do not receive air flow when under watered and compact. The grass’ roots need oxygen to develop and grow and struggle to do this when suffering from compaction. To decrease the amount of compression, you need to reduce the footfall and traffic that happens on the soils.

Why Won't My Grass Grow


Think you’ve done everything right, but your plants and grass still aren’t growing? Then you may need a soil analysis test to find out the PH range and organic compounds within the soil. If you want to find out more then do not hesitate to get in contact with us today.

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Emma Candlin