
Tree Protection Plan

What is a Tree Protection Plan?

You need a Tree Protection Plan when applying for planning permission as this will always be required by the town planners. 

The purpose of the Tree Protection Plan (TPP) is to illustrate all the trees that are to be retained. This would include accurately showing the spread of the trees to the four cardinal points (North, East, South & West). It would also include showing where the protective fencing would be erected so as to protect the trees roots and canopy.


See below example of a TPP as part of a tree survey to the B5837:2012 standard:

How do I Know if a Tree Has a TPO (Tree Protection Order)?

The first way is to take a look at the actual tree, often they have a silver metal tag attached to the tree to identify them with a number. As this is not always the case, you can then check the council website as some councils will have a web page with all trees that have a TPO on them identified on a virtual map. The final way is to make direct contact and request the information in writing.

How Close Can I Dig to a Tree That Has a TPO?

On the TPP you can see a black line outlining the Tree Protection Fencing. The objective of that fencing is to stop any digging within the area called the “Root zone.” The root zone is calculated, the figures are put into the Tree survey and that information is then laid out visually on the Tree Protection Plan. If a tree has a TPO this will influence the design of the building and where it is situated. Typically, the Town planners would not allow the removal of a tree with a TPO.

What happens if I Cut Down a Tree With a TPO?

We have known developers cut down trees with a TPO as they felt impacted significantly with their development. We would not recommend this course of action as by felling a TPO tree this can mean you are fined up to £20,000. If you carry out some work or damage a tree with a TPO without permission then this can result in a fine of £2,500. 

If work needs to be carried out on any tree but especially one with a TPO on it we can assist by applying on your behalf,, filling out all the necessary applications and giving well thought out reasons that the work is required so as to ensure a successful application.

Tree Preservation Orders

Contact Us:

If you have any questions with regards Tree Protection Plans and Preservation Orders please give us a ring on: 01782 479479 (Head office) or contact us.


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Emma Candlin