Spring Plant Protection
Spring Plant Protection
As the spring season approaches, it is the best time to start thinking about spring plant protection for your garden.
It is important when planning your garden that you take into consideration environmental risks surrounding your plants such as pests and harmful substances.
Also, it is important that prior to planting your flowers, shrubs, and herbs that you consider the placement of them in your garden as well as the timing that you plant them. Spring can be deceiving and although the lighter sunnier mornings make us think that it is time to start planting, they can be deceptive. Spring frost can ruin your plants whilst they are still infants, making their growth and potential limited. Some strong flowers we suggest for this period of the year are M. soulangeana ‘Lennei or Camelia ‘Black Lace.’ For more recommendations click here.
With the frequent arrival of storms recently in the UK you may think of investing in shelterbelts and windbreaks. They are semi-permeable barriers that help to provide shelter for your plants from the force of the wind by reducing the velocity of the wind.
The windbreaks can also support you in protecting your soil in these weathers. It is vital that you ensure you are usually top-quality soil when planting in the early spring season as the plants need as much nutritious support to thrive successfully. The windbreakers can also support by minimising soil erosion, in turn protecting the plants and their rhizomes.
If you are unsure if the soil you are using is of excellent quality or is adequate to assist your garden in bloom, contact our team and we can help you by completing a Soil Analysis. Click here to learn more about our Soil Testing Services.
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