Tree Damage Survey

What is a Tree Damage Survey?

A tree damage survey is designed to look at whether a tree has caused physical damage to either a property or other hard landscaped areas. This may include; foundations, underground pipes, walls, fences, tarmac, concrete or paved areas etc. This may also include a tree root damage investigation, which is particularly relevant if you are trying to identify if your tree or a neighbour’s tree has caused the damage.

We can also look at the potential damage a tree may cause in the future. This is a particularly useful survey for property management companies.

Who has a Tree Damage Survey?

The Tree Damage Assessment takes two different avenues, firstly the actual physical damage caused and secondly the potential damage a tree could cause in the future. As such we often have two different groups of people looking for a Tree Damage Survey – those who are sure a tree has already caused damage and those who are concerned a tree may cause damage in the future, (this maybe their own tree or a neighbours tree).


Our ‘Potential Tree Damage Survey’ is typically useful for the following three types of client:

  1. Homeowners who want to plant trees near a property.
  2. Property Management companies where they are responsible for the ongoing maintenance of a site.
  3. Landlords or homeowners that are concerned about a tree planted by a neighbour and its potential to cause damage.

For Property Management companies this type of survey can help tick your H&S box for trees especially if it is in connection to a ‘Tree Health Survey’.

Tree damage survey

What if my Neighbour Won't Accept Liability?

Then our reports are perfect if a neighbouring tree has caused damage to your property, fence or boundary walls. They are factual, easy to understand and clearly show where the liability lies. We can also include accurate estimates for any remedial work needed to be carried out.

If the neighbour fails to compensate you for the damage caused by their tree, then we can offer a Part 35 compliant report. This type of report is written in a way that is acceptable to the courts and will be requested by your solicitors if you decide to take the adjacent landowner to court.

Next Steps

For further advise or to book a Tree Damage Survey please ring us on 01782 479479 (Head office) or contact us by email.

At ProHort we are here to help so please do give us a call. Our phones will usually be answered between 7am and 9pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 8pm Saturday and Sunday. Alternatively you can contact us on Facebook, where you can also see our most recent projects. 


At ProHort we are aware of the importance of getting value for your money. Therefore, we will always provide you with our best price, first time, for all of our services.

Pricing for tree damage surveys are based upon the number of trees on site, starting at £200+VAT.

For more information, please get in touch.

Discounted rates are available if a survey is bought in conjunction with other plans. Please get in touch for more information.

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