Invertebrate Surveys

What are Invertebrate Surveys?

Invertebrate surveys are a specialised type of survey that is employed to collect information on the insect communities present on site and may include a wide range of invertebrates.

The breadth and depth of information collected is dependent on employing as many different techniques as possible to sample areas of vegetation, tree and shrub canopy as well as other areas of interest. Therefore, a well-developed approach is required to sample as much information as possible.

What are Invertebrates?

The term “invertebrate” originates from the Latin prefix meaning “not,” and vertebrate, which refers to animals with vertebrae. Therefore, invertebrates are animals that lack a spine or backbone.

This includes species like day/night flying moths, butterflies, beetles, flies, spiders, and cricket/grasshoppers. This is not an exhaustive list, as the UK has a wide variety of insects that can be found here.

How we Can Help with Your Invertebrate Surveys:

ProHort provides Invertebrate Surveys, including transect surveys, butterfly surveys, pitfall trapping, and insect sweeping. These surveys deliver valuable insights, identifying insects to at least the family level. If there is a possibility that a protected species has been found, it will be photographed, and consultations will take place with specialist entomologists. This ensures the most appropriate course of action is determined, whether it involves seeking expert verification or implementing necessary mitigation measures for clients.

Invertebrate Surveys

Contact Us to Book your Invertebrate Surveys:

ProHort specializes in professional invertebrate surveys, providing expert assessments for conservation, ecological impact assessments and biodiversity monitoring. Our team of skilled ecologists conduct thorough surveys to identify and record invertebrate species across various habitats. Enabling them to deliver detailed reports to support planning applications, habitat management, and environmental research. At ProHort we adhere to industry best practices and regulatory guidelines, ensuring high-quality data collection and analysis. Contact ProHort Ltd today to discuss your invertebrate survey needs and how we can assist with your project.

Alternatively you can follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with our latest projects or message us to book your invertebrate surveys. 

If you need any additional information about the ecological surveys and assessments that ProHort can provide, please get in touch.

Get in touch

At ProHort we always provide you with our best price, first time as we know the importance of getting value for money.

Ecological surveys and assessments are priced on a case by case basis, depending upon a variety of factors, including the complexity of the development project.

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