Habitat Action Plans

Habitat Action Plan (HAP)

A Habitat Action Plan is  a document outlining the steps involved in conserving habitats of ecological importance that require protection. The plan identifies the habitat present and outlines its current status, describing its characteristics and condition, as well as threats that are present to the habitat and any constraints to the plan that is being devised. Legal protection granted at national and internation level is also explored. Research is conducted into current initiatives that are in place to preserve the habitat and from there an action plan is generate outlining specific goals within a timeframe that are to be achieved for the improvement and preservation of the habitat. Monitoring activities required to implement and maintain the goals outlined are also described at this stage.

Since conservation projects work based on consensus and collaboration and involve the consultation of numerous stakeholders, a Habitat Action Plan (HAP’s) are designed to include this crucial step in the implementation of a conservation plan. Demographics which may have an interest in such plans include governmental and non-governmental organisations, local communities, landowners, funding bodies, schools and individuals.

Overall they would involve: relevant surveys, research into the required information, habitat mapping and enhancement planning, stakeholder consultations and a final revision of plans before the document is written outlining the findings of desktop and field research, stakeholder engagement and decisive plans to be enforced.

Habitat Action Plans

Contact Us:

  1. Please either phone us on 01782 479479 (Head Office) or email us your details at: [email protected]. Alternatively, you can message us on Facebook, where you can also stay up to date with our latest projects. 
Habitat Classifications
  • Neutral Grassland
  • Mountains, Moorland & Heathlands
  • Woodlands
  • Freshwater - Openwaters, Wetlands & Floodplains
  • Enclosed Farmland
  • Marine
  • Coastal Margins
  • Urban

If you need any further information about habitat action plans surveys or would like to know more about Species Actions Plans please see our SPA page.

Get in touch


At ProHort we are aware of the importance of getting value for your money. Therefore, we will always provide you with our best price, first time, for all of our services.

For more information, please get in touch.

Discounted rates are available if a survey is bought in conjunction with other plans. Please get in touch for more information.

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