
LVIAS & Going Green

Going green? Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments or LVIA’s, as well as showing you the impact on developments from a social and economic point of view. Can also highlight a range of environmental factors and be used in a range of environmental projects.

Environmental Developments & LVIAs

Wind TurbineLVIA’s are synonymous with wind turbine and solar panel developments – they have often been used to display the placement of these developments, as a superior way of presenting the visual impact to the public. Historically, many members of the public have been opposed to these developments based on the negative impact that they can have on a particular view or outlook. An LVIA can create an accurate representation of how an environmental project can look – for many people, their fears may not be as bad as they suspected, and they can make their judgement based on an accurate visual assessment.

Environmental Impacts

In addition, an LVIA can highlight potential damage to an environment. Statistically, road developments are ‘the single most destructive element’ as they can potentially cause animals to lose access to water or nesting Barlaston Mapareas. If access to water is lost, many animal colonies can start to die out and may be driven away from the area. Many birds nest in specific trees or specific parts of a forest year on year; an accurate LVIA can help plot the exact route that a road will take. These areas can then be double-checked for any nests or any signs of any other colonies of animals.

Finally, an LVIA may be a requirement ahead of any work taking place. An LVIA is a low-impact option, which can highlight any problems ahead of the work commencing. Should a project change, that can cause additional damage to the environment. For example, if one route for a road is chosen, but is then found to be unsuitable, and construction has started, there may already be damage to habitats.


All of these environmental factors can make an LVIA a low-impact, ‘green’ option, moving forward in the future of developments.


For more information on Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments.

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