
Best Flowers to Plant this Spring?

Bring on Spring! Now that the colder and duller days of winter have surpassed and the time for warmer and brighter days has arrived, it is time to start planting. Spring is perfect time of year to bring your garden to life. Keep on reading to find out more about the best flowers to plant this Spring.

Listed below are some of the best flowers to plant in Spring:

  1. Primroses – Planting primroses will get your garden looking fantastic during the Spring as they are an early Spring bloom. Primroses appreciate the spring sun, but they don’t thrive in heat that is above 27c, so spring is the perfect time to get planting these beautiful flowers.
  2. Bleeding hearts – These Unique flowers bloom in the early Spring. Bleeding hearts grow very quickly, they are easy to care for and they love the shade.
  3. Tulips – Tulips can bloom anywhere from early to late Spring. When planting these stunning flowers, it is best to loosen the soil after digging the area about a foot deep.
  4. Sweet Peas – Spring is the perfect time for sweet peas to bloom. Planting sweet peas in well-draining soil will help them to grow at a quicker rate.
  5. Hellebores – Hellebores bloom in early spring and will last until around the end of May. Soil that is rich with organic matter will help your hellebores to grow at their best potential.
  6. Iris reticulata – Iris reticulata bloom at the start of the Spring season. These flowers thrive when in full sunshine.
  7. Sanguinaria Canadensis – Sanguinaria Canadensis grows best in nutritious, moist soil. This beautiful flower blooms early Spring and doesn’t bloom for very long so don’t miss out.
  8. Pansies – Spring is the perfect time to plant pansies as they like a cool climate. Pansies need regular watering to keep the soil moist and from drying out.
  9. Hydrangea – Most hydrangea bloom during early spring. This flower loves full sun exposure and needs to be watered around three times a week. Deeply watering them will encourage root growth.
  10. Forget me nots – Forget me nots bloom in spring and can last as long as three months. For the best growth, they need to be planted in rich and well-drained soil.

For advise on planting plans this Spring, contact us today!

Spring plants

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Emma Candlin