Bees’ Needs Week
Pollinating insects such as Bees are vital to our ecosystem, therefore it is important we do what we can to support their survival. Pollinators are a priority therefore the UK Government and Defra have coordinated an annual event Bees Needs Week. This runs from the 8th to the 14th of July with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of pollinators.
ProHort Recommend these simple actions:
1. Grow Nectar Rich Flowers, Shrubs and Trees – these provide food and shelter for pollinators throughout the year. If you don’t have a large garden window and balcony boxes are a great way to create space for plants that will help our buzzing bees.
2. Wild Flower Garden – Leave patches of your garden to grow wild, letting wildflowers flourish. This creates great nesting and feeding sites for bees.
3. Reduce Grass Cutting – by mowing your grass less often other plants will grow in the lawn including those with nectar-rich flowers. However, if you do cut your lawn ensure your remove cuttings to give other plants space and light to grow.
4. DO NOT DISTURB – Hedges, long grass, trees, dead wood piles and even brick walls can provide nesting and hibernation, therefore please do not disturb these sights in your garden.
5.Create Shelter – Provide shelter in your garden for pollinators, these can be created from dead wood or purchasing a bee house.
6. Hydration – A shallow bowl or tray filled with gravel and water can provide thirsty bees with a drink.
7. No Pesticides – Pesticides can be harmful to pollinators and other wildlife, therefore reduce the use of them where ever possible. We recommend companion planting to help naturally reduce pest and disease.

National Pollinator Strategy:
The National Pollinator Strategy is a 10 year plan that was published in 2014. This sets out how the government, beekeepers, farmers, researchers and conservation groups can work together to improve the status of pollinating species throughout the UK.
Within their National Pollinator Strategy Action Plan it sets out how we will act as a nation to fulfil the aims and objectives of the strategy over a period of 2021 to 2024.