
Has your neighbour been killing your plants?

Surveying Trees

Case Study: 

Our client in Stoke-On-Trent believed their gardener had spilled or sprayed something onto the grass. When we arrived at the property, there was a dog. In some cases the high levels of ammonia in the dogs urine can cause the die back of the lawn. However, on further inspection, that was not the case. 

As seen on the video the damage to the grass either side of the path is quite bad. It looks as if there has been a glyphosate spillage, indicating the gardener may of had a bit of an accident with a knapsack sprayer when they were spraying the path for weeds.

soil health testing
soil sample

We will be taking some blades of grass and soil samples for testing. The test will tell us if there are any additional chemicals in the soil. If you’ve got a problem where maybe you are worried for example your neighbour has sprayed something, because we get a lot of these now where neighbours spray people’s plants and trees and hedges for all sorts of reasons. But if you have those kinds of issues then we can come and have a look at that and give you our expert opinion. Jason Harker, ProHort.

Surveying Trees

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Emma Candlin